The road to peace

The road to peace


Dear readers, you are about to read the story of God leading a young man to Him. I heard it from him almost a year ago. I encouraged him to write it down to share with everyone. In two days, he finished the article and sent it to me. I thought the article was already very good and complete, but he asked me to write a few introductions. I didn’t know what to write, I just silently thanked God. He truly has countless ways of revealing himself to humanity. He came to earth more than two thousand years ago. And the call to return to being children of God still resonates in every human soul. No matter who we are, what we do, or where we are, if we just calm down, we will hear His voice. This December 22, 2024, is the third anniversary of your official becoming a child of God. I wish you the best in your first year of university. I also hope that you will be an enthusiastic contributor to write your own thoughts and experiences and share them with everyone. May God bless you and everyone this Christmas and New Year.


Father Giuse Ta Xuan Hoa



I have heard many wonderful stories, great people who saw God, were led back by God. He truly has countless ways of expressing his love for humanity. And I am also a person who, as my parish priest once said: “ God favors you a lot!”

The story of my coming to God is not too lofty, nor is it beautiful. He revealed himself to me in a very peaceful and simple way…

Since I was a child, I always followed everyone in my small neighborhood to church. The church bell rang regularly, gradually becoming a familiar sound in my childhood. 

Even at that time, I was not wise enough to understand why I went to church or who I worshiped. I simply felt like it and went along as a walk. In my neighborhood, everyone around me was religious, except my family.

When I was a little older, I loved the flower offering ceremonies to the Virgin Mary. I would stand there, absent-mindedly watching my sisters and friends wearing traditional Vietnamese dresses, holding bouquets of colorful flowers. Then one day, I boldly asked the flower teachers to let me join. Perhaps they saw that I was still young but had a desire, so they agreed. At that time, I did not know who the Virgin Mary was, but every time the flower offering ceremony ended, I would run to hug the statue of the Virgin Mary, as if I were happily hugging my own mother.

After participating in the flower offering, I was also chosen to do other things in the house of God such as learning to sing and learn to play the piano. The nuns and teachers taught me very enthusiastically. I didn’t think much about it, I just knew that I really liked it!

However, as I grew older, I began to have different thoughts. I asked myself: “ I am not a Catholic why do I participate in these activities?”

I began to feel ashamed whenever the nuns, the priests or anyone asked me about my Christian name, or why I was not baptized. I hated those questions. I was afraid of being stared at. Then I thought: “ I am not a Catholic why should I join them?”

The feeling of debt and shame grew. I isolated myself from church activities. I still went to mass but sat quietly in a hidden corner. I did not join in singing, did not offer flowers, did not learn to play the piano. But strangely, I could not skip mass. I loved mass without knowing why. Father’s sermon kept echoing in my head every time mass ended, I thought about it over and over again in my heart. Even though I sat quietly in a dark corner, no one paid attention to me, I found peace there. That peace I could not find anywhere else.

Then one day the Gospel of the Samaritan leper was played. He was the only one of the ten healed by Jesus who returned to thank Him. That day, the priest asked, “ Are we all Christians here?”

The whole church answered loudly in unison: ” Yes, sir!”

I was sitting alone in silence. The feeling of being lost and lonely at that moment confused me. But then, thinking back, I said to myself: “ I am a pagan, but I can be like the Samaritan leper , returning to thank God for being healed!”

But I didn’t have the courage. I continued to sit in my corner. Instead of feeling healed by God, I only felt lost and out of place.

The older I get, the bigger my dreams become. I hear people say that if I have a religion, it will be difficult for me to pursue my dream of pursuing the Diplomacy major. I also hear about people who have a religion but have to deny it just to keep their jobs. Those words instill fear in me. I think to myself: “ Well, going to church is enough, why do I need to be baptized?”

Many people advised me to get baptized, including Uncle Manh Phan – the head of the parish – a man who always smiled and welcomed me to God’s house with the warmest of hearts – always advised me to officially join the Catholic Church. But at that time, I didn’t pay much attention. Even when the priests asked and encouraged me, I just laughed it off.

Then I was absorbed in seeking achievements. The entrance exam was approaching, I no longer went to church. For more than a year, I did not attend Mass, did not hear the bell ring. I thought I had forgotten everything. However, God did not forget me. He kept inviting me to come back to Him, and this time He chose a very gentle way.

One day, after the excellent student exam, I did not do well on the test, I was tired, sad, and could only sob. At that moment, the church bell rang. I suddenly remembered the days when I sat in Mass, remembered the old feeling of peace. So I stood up and ran to the church. This time, I did not sit in a hidden corner anymore but sat right in the front row. That day, I still remember the sermon that rang out: “ Peace I leave with you. My peace is not like the world. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor be afraid .” 

That sentence was deeply engraved in my heart. For the first time, I realized: “ I have everything, but I have no peace.”

Dear God, for many years I have tried to study and achieve, but no matter how much I have achieved, it is not equal to the peace I feel now. I have understood that all those efforts will become meaningless if my soul is not at peace. 

After the mass that day ended, I did not rush home. I stood and watched everyone praying together in front of the nativity scene. I saw the children gathered around the priest, laughing and playing happily. The atmosphere was unusually warm. I thought to myself: “Why did I separate myself from this place? No one discriminated against or shunned me. It was all my own fault!” The Lord’s words echoed in my heart: “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Had I tried to gain everything but lost my own peace?

I quietly said to God: “ Lord, I really want to be your daughter.”

The first person I shared this idea with was Uncle Manh Phan, he was very happy and said he would help me with all the procedures. I told my parents about this idea, and they happily agreed. My father said: “This life is yours, you are an adult, it is up to you to decide and take responsibility! Whatever you want, I will support you.” Indeed, thank God, He not only favors me, but also gives me a family that always supports me. 

So I learned catechism, received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation from my father during Advent that year. On the first Christmas Eve, I received the Lord into my heart. The feeling of excitement and emotion was indescribable. That was the moment I realized that I truly belonged to God.

My journey to God was not too thorny. Everything happened smoothly and peacefully. If there were any thorns, they were my own petty, selfish thoughts. God did not favor me with great miracles, but He gently led me with the sound of church bells, with His eyes, His smiles, the support of loved ones, close to me, not in a hurry, not noisy, but leading me step by step on the “path of peace”.

Sometimes, just a church bell is enough to wake people up from the chaos of the world. The bell is not loud, but it resonates deep into the soul. Perhaps, God does not call me with thunder or glorious miracles, but with gentleness, silence and perseverance.

That is the peace God gives me – a peace that is not of the world.

The path to God is the path of peace. Peace in God, peace in being His daughter.

Author: Peace Seed